Title: Lighting & Modelling Crystals and Robot
Used for/example of: Concept work showing 3d modelling, 3D animation
Created in: Blender, MagicaVoxel
Title: JoshuaGirl
Used for/example of: Concept work showing 3d modelling, 3D animation
Created in: Blender
Created by Barry Patterson and Frazer Payne
How long it took to produce: Model: 3.5 hours, Motion 3.5 hours
Title: 3D Modelling: House, Office & Hospital for Nursing Virtual Reality Learning Environment
Used for/example of: Concept work showing 3d modelling, 3D animation, music/Nursing VR Learning Environment
Created in: Blender / Magica Voxel / Unreal Engine
How long it took to produce: House low poly model: 1 day, Hospital low poly mock-up: 2 days
Title: Virtual Reality 3D environments using Google photo telemetry
Used for/example of: Concept work showing use of Cesium Software with Google photo telemetry
Created in: Unreal Engine
Created by Ryan Hayle and Frazer Payne
How long it took to produce: 4 days
Title: Virtual productions
Used for/example of: Concept work showing virtual productions using green-screen, virtual spaces and ‘outside-in’ tracking using external sensors
Created in: Virtual recording suite, OBS, Unreal Engine
Created by: Teamwork
How long it took to produce: dependant on the complexity of producing/acquiring the virtual environment, meetings, acquisition of actors, availability of camera and sound technicians